A Sustainable Future for Fashion

To achieve a sustainable future for fashion, there needs to be major changes to production, transport, consumption patterns, attitudes, and values. In this context, Texcon is a small player. Nevertheless, we can and should make significant contributions towards a sustainable future.

An Eco-Lighthouse

In 2022, we will certify Texcon’s head office was certified as an Eco-Lighthouse. By doing that, we are committing ourselves to becoming a sustainable and environmentally-friendly business. The Eco-Lighthouse certificate is Norway’s most widely used certificate for businesses that would like to document their environmental efforts and take their social responsibility seriously.

In 2023, we will introduce a scheme that makes it easy for our members to certify their own stores as Eco-Lighthouses.

Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fond

Texcon is a member of Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fond, which supports projects that reduce plastic littering, increase plastic recycling, and reduce the use of plastic carrier bags. The Norwegian Retailers’ Environment Fond is funded by its members, who pay a set fee per plastic shopping bag they buy or sell in Norway.


Texcon wants to work to ensure that all garments have as long a life as possible. That’s why we have entered into a return agreement with Fretex. This scheme applies to the clothes we haven’t sold. These clothes are either recycled, given away or sold on to generate income for the charity. Some of the proceeds go towards energy production.

Sustainable Production

Although Texcon does not produce its own clothing, we can still contribute to sustainable production by demanding higher standards from our suppliers and by influencing consumers to make better choices. In 2023, all our suppliers will have to document their level of sustainability. This documentation will be made available to our members.